Hey guys! So I decided to try out the 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge with my new 20 kg KB. I found the challenge on T-nation during Thanksgiving break and thought it would be a good start for me to lower my body fat after gaining a few pounds "bulking up".
So a little background...
My older brother taught me how to swing (and got me into weight-lifting) in April 2014, when I had my first one (20 lbs and adjustable). Soon after my parents bought me a 16 kg KB from dragondoor.com! In the summer I went to Peru and during the month of June I used the largest KB they had: 12 kg. August I got back home and returned to using my 16 kg KB more seriously. My brother told me he lost most of his body fat doing 250 swings a day and lifted weights 3 times a week. New semester = lots of determination to loose body fat. Began with 150, next day 200, then 250. Found that with each day I swung, it became a lot easier. Instead of everyday, I decided to do them on the days I didn't go weight lifting at the gym. I got to the point that I did 20 sets of 30 (half one handed) with 2 min breaks in-between. My body fat shot down and I went from 19.8% to 18.4% by early October.
I was hitting the gym so much I decided I would try to bulk up. Plus I became addicted to almond butter and kind bars. (I finished a pound of almond butter a week and ate a couple kind bars a day sometimes.) My protein shakes had 2 types of protein and was made with whole organic milk. Lots of calories... My muscles did get bigger and I gained 8-9 pounds in about a month. Some muscle but some also fat.
Early-Mid November, I was 20-21% body fat again. Kept trying to tell myself that it was worth the muscle I gained on my booty... But was unhappy with how my core looked. Started to count my calories but wasn't seeing any progress.
I found the challenge and took a break from the gym and decided to just do swings. Plus with finals around the corner, I'd be saving time from not going to the gym. Have to keep reminding myself that I should prioritize school over fitness.
The Challenge.
The actual challenge is to complete 10,000 swings in 20 workouts. 500 a day and a rest day every 2 training days. So in about a month you finish the challenge. Took before pictures and began on Thanksgivings Eve with 500. Split it up in 250 in the morning and 250 in the evening. And the next day I only did 250 in the morning (fasted) and 130 in the afternoon as part of me doing a "4-course Thanksgiving KB workout" before dinner. I earned that dinner. From then on I only focused on doing a couple hundred swings.
Told myself I wouldn't weigh myself or take my body fat percentage until I completed the 10,000. Goal = try to do as many with my 20 kg KB before flight on Dec 12 where I'm flying to MS to see my amazing boyfriend. Will only have access to a 16 kg KB there.
Week 1: (begin Wed) 133 lbs 21% bf
Nov 26: 250, 250 = 500
Nov 27: 250, 130 +turkey workout = 380
Nov 28: rest day
Nov 29: 1002 (First time doing 1000! Took several breaks and had interruptions. Finished in 2 hrs.)
Nov 30: 250
Nov 26: 250, 250 = 500
Nov 27: 250, 130 +turkey workout = 380
Nov 28: rest day
Nov 29: 1002 (First time doing 1000! Took several breaks and had interruptions. Finished in 2 hrs.)
Nov 30: 250
(Break is over. Back to school! Began doing a minimum of 600 swings in the morning, fasted, (30 both hands, 30 right hand, 30 left hand, 10 both hands, 1 min rest, repeat--ALL WITH 44 lb KB unless otherwise stated!)
Dec 1: 603 (1 hr)
Dec 2: 623 (50 min)
TOTAL SWINGS: Goal: (2500) Achieved: 3358 in 6 workouts!!!
Week 2: (finals week)
Dec 3: LDOC 631 (~40 min) >> shorter breaks and more reps!
Dec 4: rest day
Dec 5: COMP 1011 (Took me a little over an hour YES) HALF WAY POINT 5,000!!! (Took more progress pictures and got my first blister torn)
Dec 2: 623 (50 min)
TOTAL SWINGS: Goal: (2500) Achieved: 3358 in 6 workouts!!!
Week 2: (finals week)
Dec 3: LDOC 631 (~40 min) >> shorter breaks and more reps!
Dec 4: rest day
Dec 5: COMP 1011 (Took me a little over an hour YES) HALF WAY POINT 5,000!!! (Took more progress pictures and got my first blister torn)
Dec 6: WMST 300
Dec 7: 1010
Dec 8: FREN arms + squats + 300
Dec 9: MATH rest day and go back home
Week 3: Christmas Break!
Dec 10: 1005 + 390 = 1395 (My brother dared me to reach 8500 before Friday)
Dec 11: 530 (130 of them with my brother's 53 lb KB)
Dec 12: Rest Day (FLIGHT to MS)
Dec 13: 1465 (with 35 lb KB a 75 min)
TEN THOUSAND SWINGS in 18 days with 4 of them being rest days.
End of challenge: 129.1 lbs 20% bf
Multiplying it out I lost almost a kilo of fat and you can definitely see it in the before/halfway/after pictures:
Conclusion: my brother was right! Kettlebell swings rock. Just need dedication and determination and you can do the challenge too! You can find online what muscles this exercise works and what the correct form is. Lots of lower back, glutes, core, FOREARMS, and the 1-handed kind worked some shoulders too.
P.S. I know the original challenge has exercises in-between sets of swings but this was my version of it... Mainly because I suck at push-ups. Will be working on that in the future.
Kettlebells will still be part of my regular routine because they work so well. But also... I miss lifting weights. :D
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